My co-editor, Ash Jurberg, at Inspired Writer has been involved in setting up a virtual event and it looks so good I knew I needed to share it with you.
I wish I could attend, but I’ll be away on my honeymoon. I’m relying on you to tell me about your favorite speakers so I can attend vicariously through you!
Here are the details:
3 Days. Over 30 Speakers To Choose From.
Listen to and engage with global speakers from a wide range of backgrounds.
At Impactology Live you have the opportunity to see and hear over 30 amazing local and global speakers who are going to be sharing their impact. There are writers, entrepreneurs, leaders and more - all of whom with inspire and motivate you.
See one, some or all our speakers- it's up to you. For all the event details and our speakers, visit
Feel free to share with anyone you think will enjoy it. Thank you! Kelly