Some of my writer friends are struggling to concentrate at the moment. With the heightened anxiety of Coronavirus spreading around the world it’s understandable. Anxiety and creativity don’t go together well. Today I’ve gathered up some resources to try to get you back in a focused, creative zone.
1.How to Manage Your Fear During the Coronavirus
This article by Tom Jacobs is well worth a read.
Here are the 3 main points if you don’t have time to read it:
Turn off the politicians and go to the CDC website. Pay attention to the scientists.
Fear of one thing can leak into other areas of your life. Being fully aware of your fear helps. If you’re scared of the coronavirus, it’s perfectly understandable. But if that fear permeates into other unrelated areas (other health fears, crime rates, safety) remind yourself of its source.
Actions can be empowering so do whatever you can to feel in control of the situation. Take the suggested precautions, such as hand-washing. Boost your immune system with healthy habits and regular exercise. Stock up in case you need to stay indoors for a while.
2.How to Calm Down and Handle Fear-fueled Adrenaline Rushes Rationally
Roz Savage has written a very practical article about dealing with any fears. Here’s a quote:
“Psychologists tell us a mind under pressure struggles to get creative. This is why so many artists and writers have a routine they go through before they get to work, in which they zone out from whatever has happened in their day so far and tune into the muse. They get quiet and focused and open up to creativity. They connect with their calmness.”
She has some great suggestions for getting quiet and focused.
3. What I do if I’m feeling anxious
Go for a walk in nature. I’m lucky enough to live in a place where my backyard looks out onto a hill of native bush. The calming effects of being in nature are well researched and, as a bonus, being around trees can boost your immune system.
Do a quick workout that makes me smile. I found an online dance workout that is just 10 minutes—perfect for between writing breaks.
Have a good laugh. I do something silly with my family or read humor pieces. Not many people read satire and humor but it’s a great way to switch from stressed and anxious to smiling and relaxed.
Hope you are all well and have a creative writing week,