I haven’t written much on Medium lately.
Not for the reasons you might think.
Well, maybe for the reasons you might think. You could be a really good guesser for all I know!
No time. I’ve had a lot of client work and deadlines this month.
No reads. The reader engagement hasn’t been great, even with my 7K+ followers.
But there are changes afoot at Medium.
Again? I hear you say, exasperated. Always with the changes.
This one might actually be kinda great.
When I first heard about the “Boost” on Medium, it was tied to external views.
“Sigh” I sighed to myself (and anyone nearby).
“A boost for those who already have a huge audience. What about my new writers with their awesome stories and no audience!”
Internet stardom does not a great writer make. (Said with a slow shake of the head.)
But NO! To my delight, a Boost is quite different.
Check out what the Medium CEO had to say:
Authors shouldn’t be required to build their own audience or mailing list to share their ideas and knowledge.
Often, the best writing comes from people who don’t want to be audience builders. With the rise of the creator economy, these doers are often left out.
Our goal is to find the best individual stories, regardless of who wrote them, and give those stories a wider audience. You can read full story here.
Now that’s what I call worthy news!
Have you got a story you’d like to see boosted? Share a link in the comments.
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