I’m posting links to all the archived academy lessons here for easy access.
Feel free to dip in to any/all the lessons that interest you or start at any point. If you need to get the all access pass, you can grab it for $5 a month or $45 a year.
Summary of Archived Lessons
Introducing Creative Nonfiction
Week 1: Defining Creative Nonfiction
Week 2: Public vs. Personal Writing
Week 3: Clarity and Readability
Week 4: Starting Well, Part 1
Week 5: Starting Well, Part 2
Week 6: Starting Well, Part 3
Op-Ed and Ethics of Writing about Others
Week 7: Writing an Op-Ed
Week 8: Writing about Others, Part 1
Week 9: Writing about Others, Part 2
CNF Structures
Week 10: Structure 1: Modern Love Case Study
Week 11: Structure 2: Personal Essays
Week 12: Structure 3: Narrative Arc
Week 13: Structure 4: Organic Structure
Week 14: Structure 5: Organic Structure—Spatial Form
Making your Essays Action-Packed
Week 15: Action in Essay
Week 16: Enemies of Action: Part 1
Week 17: Enemies of Action: Part 2
Week 18: Enemies of Action: Part 3
Week 19: Action Helpers
Lyric Essays
Week 20: A fun form to get creative
Week 21: Lyric Essays, Part 2: Essay examples
Week 22: Lyric Essays, Part 3: Micros
Week 23: Lyric Essays, Part 4: Collage and Braided
Week 24: Lyric Essays, Part 5: Nonce and Graphic Memoir
Basics of Great Writing
Week 25: Basics, Part 1: Point of View
Week 26: Basics, Part 2: Intimate Details
Week 27: Basics, Part 3: Dialogue
Week 28: Basics, Part 4: Voice
Analyzing What Works
Week 29: Analyzing, Part 1: Understanding audience
Week 30: Analyzing, Part 2: Situation and Story
Week 31: Analyzing, Part 3: Analyzing Memoir
Week 32: Analyzing, Part 4: Concrete vs. Abstract
Memoir Workshop
Week 33: Memoir, Part 1: Memory
Week 34: Memoir, Part 2: Light and Shade
Week 35: Memoir, Part 3: Who Matters?
Week 36: Memoir, Part 4: Lawsuits and Sales
Pitching Editors
Week 37: Pitch Prep, Part 1: Choosing your Story
Week 38: Pitch Prep, Part 2: Roadblocks
Week 39: Pitch Prep, Part 3: Fascinating Failures
Week 40: Pitch Prep, Part 4: Editing for Editors
Week 41: Pitching Editors, Part 1: Overcoming Fear
Week 42: Pitching Editors, Part 2: Enticing Emails
Creative Nonfiction Careers
Week 43: Ghostwriting: A Guide to Writing in the Background with Benjamin Sledge and Rick Martinez
Email me for any questions: inspiredwriter.kelly@gmail.com
Want video and workshop lessons?
For Personal Essays check out our Introductory Course
Thank you so much for sharing all this! I look forward to digging in!!!