Reinvigorate your writing
My Meaningful and Timely Personal Essay course is starting again mid-July.
Only 2 spots left. Grab yours now.
My last four months have been all study and very little writing (psychology papers aside).
And now I face the same struggle writers often ask me about:
How do I start again after a break?
The THOUGHT of that first daunting essay…
Those first words on a page…
Even a tweet!
“You’ve forgotten how to write” my brain told me this afternoon.
“Your writing muscles have atrophied.”
Did you know, if you are in solitary confinement your social skills atrophy?
You come out of solitary and then struggle to connect, even though it’s what you’ve been dying to do for weeks or months.
That’s where I’m at. I’ve strengthened my academic skills after a 16 year hiatus, and (for now) it’s done.
So how do I do this writing thing again?
I’ve had to apply my own advice.
If you feel like you can’t start, just start.
“You can’t say, ‘just do it’” (That’s my husband. He hates when I quote the Nike slogan or some variation.)
But there isn’t any magic.
You have to start. Write ONE sentence. ONE title. ONE tweet. Something.
It’s the breakfast of writing. You have to open your mouth and eat that first bite to break the fast. You have to place words on a page, one at a time, and just chew until your appetite for writing is reawakened.
Honestly, I don’t feel like writing today. I haven’t felt like it for weeks now. But waiting for the muse never works. Not for me anyway.
Not for most people in my experience.
We just need to do it. One word on a page followed by another.
Are you in a writing dead-zone or in the flow? Tell me in the comments
Reinvigorate your writing with me
One way to get writing again is to do a course.
My Meaningful and Timely Personal Essay course is starting again mid-July.
What other students said:
“I always find it hard to get started. But once I get going I find it easy and therapeutic to write…I’ve loved learning about structure, framing, and bringing yourself into the piece.” —Natalie.
“Kelly knows how difficult it can be to write some of these essays and she gently guides you in the right direction.” —Kit.
(This is for people who have some writing experience—not new English language learners or brand new writers. The Introductory course is better if you’re starting out.)
And just to prove my point about how hard it is to get writing again, my post was full of errors!