Hi writing family, Kelly Eden here.
The deadline is creeping up for the Medium Writer’s Challenge with thousands of $ worth of prizes up for grabs.
If you’re hesitating to publish an entry, here’s some encouragement:
Not everything we publish has to be the best thing we’ve ever written. Good enough is exactly that.
So what if you don’t win the prize?
You’ve won by being brave enough to finish a story and send it out into the world. Do you know how many would-be writers never actually do that?
It’s easy to say “I want to be a writer…some day.”
Why not today? What’s holding you back? I find it’s usually our own perfectionism and unfounded fears of not being good enough.
When I feel like this I tell myself, “I will just write 300 words.” And repeat until I’m done. We need to stop overthinking it.
Every week my brain tells me, “You’ll never write anything good again.”
If your brain does that too, congratulations, you’re a writer!
When you push publish on your story, send me the link and I’ll read it and cheer for you.
Here are 4 entries from writers I enjoyed this week:
4 Personal Essays I Loved Feasting on This Week
Happy reading and writing!
P.S. If you need extra one-on-one help, I’m doing a deal this week of 50% off feedback. Just email me: inspiredwriter.kelly@gmail.com
P.P.S. If the contest has inspired you to learn more about personal essay writing, my course is open for enrolments.