A friend of mine approached me the other day for advice about her daughter.
“She’s determined to be a writer, but won’t she need a proper job too?” she asked. “How many people in their twenties really make money writing?”
“Lots actually, and in their forties, and in their eighties…” I replied.
I understand her concern. In my twenties, a career advisor told me writing wasn’t a proper job, so I went to university and trained as a teacher instead.
I spent two awful years in teaching jobs I hated!
I finally gave writing a go (thank goodness!) and here I am twelve years later still making a living from my work.
It’s even easier to get started now than it was twelve years ago.
I know a number of people, even people in their twenties, who make their full-time living as writers. There are writers successfully self-publishing and selling children’s novels. There are young writers making thousands from viral articles and others raking it in with their copywriting businesses.
“Writing is definitely a valid career option,” I told my friend. “She might need to do another little job while she builds her career, but let her follow her passion.”
And I’d say the same to you. If your dream is to write, whether as a job or as an enjoyable hobby, I’ve compiled a list of 5 places to start and how to approach them.
You can read the full article for free here
Remember too, you still have 8 days to enter the writing challenge! Here are the details:
December Writing Challenge
Submissions must be Creative Non-Fiction. It can be on any topic but must be a piece that a reader will connect with. And most importantly, it must be TRUE. It can be something that has happened to you or to someone you know, but it must be non-fiction.
Word count: Between 500-800 words
The Experienced Prize Winner — A copy of the New York Times bestseller and Reece Witherspoon's November Book Club pick —Group. This is the debut memoir by author Christie Tate who heard about our challenge and decided to give us a copy to award the prize winner!
The Novice Prize — includes an hour’s mentoring session with Kelly Eden (value $100USD)
And both winner’s also receive:
A submission consultation. For anyone who wants help in pitching and submitting this is priceless. This great prize is sponsored by WOW! Workshops & Classes. The Submissions Consultation is by editor Chelsey Clammer for a piece of writing up to 4500 words (or twelve pages).
Published in the Inspired Writer.
Fame, recognition, and applause from the Medium community.
Find out more about entering here
Can’t wait to see your entries!