This feels scary to tell you as a writing coach, but it’s important to me that you know the reality of the writing world.
Writing is not a steadily increasing income source.
Some of that is out of your control—job market, technology changes etc.
Some of it is completely due to you and your personal circumstances (not always in your control either).
In 2022 I left my brain somewhere
Last year I dislocated my shoulder and then hit what is most likely early menopause (I’m 44).
And I lost my brain. It just vanished.
Okay, I’m overexaggerating but that’s how it felt.
7 months of pain, brain fog, memory trouble, concentration issues and the biggest WHOLLOP of depressed mood and mood swings I’ve had in years.
I feel a little better this year so far and even clocked almost 30 hours of writing this week!
But last year was bad, and without my writing peers, I’m sure I would have hung up my pen completely.
Our writing peers are invaluable. Encouragement is precious.
Accountability is my word for 2023.
To re-boot my writing, I’m leaning into my amazing writing connections this year and I’d like to help you do the same.
Our Writing Process Group with Ash Jurberg starts Jan 30th. There are just a couple of spots left.
Here’s what one of last years writers said about it:
“Kelly Eden and Ash Jurberg are a good team with complementary skills. This would be enough, but what makes Writing Club special is their ability to engage the whole group and in a short time build community.
I enjoyed the interaction and the spirit of cooperation. I’ll continue to enjoy seeing the success and growth of the others in the group.
I thought a lot about my own writing through the experience and was able to target specific activities I want to add to my process that will make me a more thoughtful writer.
I also was reminded how valuable goals can be - even if I don’t meet them, they allow me to evaluate where I am and where I want to go.
The group also made me want to be less fearful and try new things with my writing. Seeing others do things I find scary (such as write books, enter contests, and query articles) was inspiring, especially when they revealed it was scary for them, too.” Kim M.
First Draft Prompt Group
And, as a lovely addition to an accountability group, you might want to consider a weekly writing prompt group.
Last year I joined Writing Class Radio’s First Draft.
In my foggy brain state, it was often the only thing that unlocked my brain and helped me gets words on the page.
Memoirist/ essayist Andrea Askowitz who runs First Draft has been published all over the place including this beautiful piece in HuffPost recently.
She’s offering a free First Draft if you want to check it out. (Not an affiliate link, just a lovely group.)