This month, my husband and I are involved in a steampunk-themed musical production of Lizzie in my town. I’m feeling very fortunate to be able to be part of theatre again. The arts are thriving in post-COVID New Zealand! Something to look forward to when other countries open up again too. Fingers crossed it’s soon!
It’s fun but also busy, so this week I have pre-written a memoir-based post for you (because it’s memoir month in our Creative Nonfiction Academy)
3 Powerful Stories That Will Make You Fall in Love With Memoir
Secondly, our featured Academy writer this week is Katrina Paulson. Katrina always writes fascinating posts that make you think. Take a look at this one on ethical dilemmas:
You Can Be Right and Still Be Wrong
Then they filled the client’s appointments with expensive forms of therapy so the clinic could charge more per appointment. The rules of my job said not to tell the clients of their mistreatment or I could be fired for going against the profit of the business. But my inner rules said it’s wrong to take advantage of hurting people.
Have a great week!