I was just talking to my husband, Ben, in his music studio and something weird happened.
There’s a thunder and lightning storm that’s been rumbling away all day today.
As we stood there, talking about his guitar amp (which I barely understand anything about), a ball of buzzing light shot out of the electric socket and raced down the wall.
“Wooh! Was that a bug?”
“I think it was from the socket?”
The room filled with a smoky smell almost instantly.
Yip. Definitely from the socket.
My husband rushed to his expensive amp and flipped it around to take off the back: checking all the fuses and odd bulb-like things inside.
“Does it look broken?” (see—I really have no idea.)
“It all looks okay.”
We eventually found what the storm blew out: a power supply connected to his guitar peddle thingys.
It was a bit of excitement for our morning after a week stuck in isolation with Covid.
I love storms, but not so much when they send balls of electricity down my walls.
What I’m really exciting about today…
is launching the personal essay contest!
I can’t wait to read your entries.
We have $100USD worth of prizes and 2 guest judges: Sean Kernan and Zulie Rane.
There are three categories for prizes so you have triple the chances of winning too!
Here’s the details:
Inspired Writer Personal Essay Contest
Have an exciting week!