“1 bajillion % the best writing course I’ve ever taken! When does the next session start? It’s not a typical “Medium” group. Fun, practical, creative, interactive, not platform focused.”
That was a tweet from an October Writing Club participant.
It’s the kind of comment that keeps me wanting to create courses for you.
Because, as you probably know by now, writing is my passion—not selling things.
I’m a writing-focused writer. If you’re here, I’m assuming you are too.
That’s where our energy needs to be in my opinion. But lately, it’s been hard to find energy, hasn’t it?
We’re tired.
So tired.
It’s like the whole world needs a spa retreat.
(My wedding anniversary is closest I’ve got to a spa retreat recently. Most places are closed here right now. Ah! Two days of bliss.)
But back to reality…and writing
Last October, when my friend Ash and I ran our very first Writing Club, we all came away each week with so much writing energy!
My family gets sick of me talking about writing. They, at best, tolerate me. Humor me. “That’s nice,” is a comment I get A LOT at home.
But in Writing Club, everyone loves talking about writing! Yay. It’s a spa retreat for our minds.
So, obviously, we wanted to do it again.
We’re start March 1st and opening it up to just 20 people, because small groups work best. The mind-spa gets too noisy otherwise.
Here are the details. Feel free to ask questions.
I’ll be sending a couple of emails about it this month, but I won’t be flooding your inbox. Promise. That’s not what we’re into here.
In the meantime, happy writing!
Kelly xx