When I first started writing, I was terrified of running out of ideas.
No ideas=no money!
I frantically started recording every little idea I had throughout the day.
I brainstormed ideas in my notebooks. I wrote down every good quote I came across.
In 11 years as a writer, I have never once run out of ideas.
That little habit of recording ideas throughout the day completely eliminated writer’s block.
One mistake new writers make
I often talk with new writers and one mistake they make is only working on one draft.
They spend days on one story, and if they get stuck they stop writing altogether.
Professional writers have a number of stories in draft at once.
I have dozens of drafts at the “notes/ideas” stage.
Some have titles, the start of an anecdote, or are half written.
Some are waiting on more research or a summary.
Some are at the final editing stage.
If you want to make writing your career, start collecting those ideas!
Here are 4 more mistakes new writers make
(its okay, I made them too!)
Have a great week,