Kelly, this sounds great! I would definitely be interested - it's the perfect model for writers who want to improve but don't have the time right now to take a full course. Love it :)

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Interested to know more when you launch or before. Pricing, I would consider a lower price as budget allows. As a new writing business, I have to budget monthly outgoings, and a lot are subscription based. I love the idea though, so please keep me posted.

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will do! Thanks for the feedback

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Intereste gauged! Keep me posted Kelly. Thank you.

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Great. Will do.

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Remember the Creative Nonfiction Academy is up and running! If you want to join, just hit subscribe.

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You can click heart or reply if you would be interesting in participating in a writer's academy like this. Would producing a story every week or month be best?

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If I am on the free plan, am I still able to get feedback?

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Monthly feedback is one of the benefits of the paid Academy ($20 a month includes weekly lessons and feedback on 250 words a month). If you want feedback on a longer piece I do also provide various one-on-one mentoring or story assessments packages. You can email me if you like, Christopher. inspiredwriter.kelly@gmail.com

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Looks like im on the free plan now

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Let me know if you have any questions. Happy to answer.

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Did this ever happen or is it still in the works?

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Yes! If you want to join in you can hit subscribe. This month we are looking at lyric essays but you also have access to all of the archives to study whatever topic interests you most.

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This sounds good. I'm interested.

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Hey Kelly, what a great initiative. I'm in!

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Thinking hard about Charlie in Searsport Maine

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