I’ve found that (among social media) using multiple jpegs from your story or about your story and throwing them into a “short” for an Instagram/fb/twitter post gets more engagement. It’s moving things on a screen, which are obviously dominant among online media, along with a song or instrumental...I usually throw some quotes or facts in along with the link to my story

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Would you want to post a link to an example so people can see what you do? That would be amazingly helpful, I'm sure!

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Sure! There are examples in the highlights of my instagram: @nkovacs10 (publicly visible). I also have some stuff on there that are just videos that semi-relate to the topic I am writing about. Ex: excerpts from interview in 1961 regarding "head-of-household sentiment" for a piece about the history of contraceptives.

Here is a link to some of the recent ones I have done for a mini-series I am working on called "Erased From History"--these two examples include Sarah Rector and Abigail Adams: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17937772796386258/

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That's really clever use of Instagram! Thanks for sharing that with everyone, Nick. Fantastic idea.

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