I also started writing on Medium again after learning about the new changes! I'm also inspired to wrjte more personal stories now that I feel the platform might support them. I'm exvited to see where it goes :)
Hi Kelly. Having read your article I went in and meandered around Medium and actually posted a couple of my short stories there, and so far lots of views!!! So, thank you. My profile is: medium.com/@rosygee345
I've been encouraged by the changes, as well. So far nothing as impressive as what your piece has earned, but I'm seeing sligthtly better results that I had been.
Hi Kelly. Wow, that's phenomenal - congratulations! Is that the essay you posted in a previous newsletter as earning $170.00 (at that point in time)?
I wrote my 1st personal essay in at least a year here about the pleasures of reading poetry at a live event. I'm a bit sad it hasn't been boosted (yet?), but it still did quite welll without it:
If I could earn with poetry at least what a literary journal pays me (minimum fee tends to be 10 USD) for a poem, I'd give poetry a shot again on Medium. Some of my older poems there have recently earnt with 1 or 2 views what they used to earn in a month - so maybe I'll do it! :) I'll be sure to check out your essays.
After a few months of not publishing anything (I had been in the hospital and it was difficult to get back to normal), I published two stories last week. I hope it's a new start for me. https://wordsmeanthings.medium.com/
I also started writing on Medium again after learning about the new changes! I'm also inspired to wrjte more personal stories now that I feel the platform might support them. I'm exvited to see where it goes :)
My medium link: https://medium.com/@mynahmarie
Hi Kelly. Having read your article I went in and meandered around Medium and actually posted a couple of my short stories there, and so far lots of views!!! So, thank you. My profile is: medium.com/@rosygee345
That's fantastic!!
I've been encouraged by the changes, as well. So far nothing as impressive as what your piece has earned, but I'm seeing sligthtly better results that I had been.
What's your Medium profile, Amanda?
Thanks for asking! Here I am: https://medium.com/@amandakayoaks
You write for Age of Empathy! Love that publication.
Hi Kelly. Wow, that's phenomenal - congratulations! Is that the essay you posted in a previous newsletter as earning $170.00 (at that point in time)?
I wrote my 1st personal essay in at least a year here about the pleasures of reading poetry at a live event. I'm a bit sad it hasn't been boosted (yet?), but it still did quite welll without it:
If I could earn with poetry at least what a literary journal pays me (minimum fee tends to be 10 USD) for a poem, I'd give poetry a shot again on Medium. Some of my older poems there have recently earnt with 1 or 2 views what they used to earn in a month - so maybe I'll do it! :) I'll be sure to check out your essays.
Here's my profile, in case you want to read what I do: https://medium.com/@dkperlmutter
I’m hopeful my personal stories about sexuality start paying more than pennies. You can find them on https://medium.com/@belledujourney
Agreed. Even the short stories are making dosh.
The new changes are great. It has made me hopeful that finally my real life stories will find a home in someone's life.
My Medium Profile is https://loveunites.medium.com/
After a few months of not publishing anything (I had been in the hospital and it was difficult to get back to normal), I published two stories last week. I hope it's a new start for me. https://wordsmeanthings.medium.com/
Congrats for that article! I'd also like to read it.
Unfortunately, the referral program is being discontinued, though
It is, sadly. But not until Sept 1.
By the way, my medium profile is medium.com/@albertocabasvidani
The new changes are great! Which article made you $1500? That's amazing!
This one. https://medium.com/an-injustice/another-celebrity-posed-semi-naked-at-55-and-i-hate-it-5d473072497e